w4 Introduction to the camera

Hello all,
So this week are getting to know our camera settings and what they do!
Three things which are very important to the camera
1. Aperture
2. Shutter Speed
3. ISO
Image result for camera settings
Aperture: Set's your lens how wide your lens for your picture.Wider it opens up the more blurry the background and foreground of your image.

Shutter Speed: Controls how long stays open for exposure example lot of light on a subject, the shutter closes fast, if you have low light, the shutter speed is slow.

ISO:  The lower the ISO, the less light comes in and the deeper the color saturation. The higher the ISO, the more light comes in and the more grain will appear in the photo.

White Balance-  adjust white balance is to get the colors in the images as accurate as possible.

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